Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Original Blog

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to stop by!

Originally,  I began this blog in January because of stress and being at a loss. Of course, I got side-tracked and forgot to post. Many things have happened since then, so I decided to just start over! 

In December 2013, I decided that becoming a Radiology Technologist was not for me. My whole life, I have always thought I would work in the medical field, which is why my Bachelor's Degree is in Biology. After several months of the program, I realized that was not my purpose in life. 

In January, I was so stressed because I basically thought I had threw my life away. I did not have a clue of where I was suppose to be or what I was going to do. To sum matters up, I basically have been a professional student! Lol! 

By February, I signed up for Accounting II even though I knew I was not ready to be back in school. It had been years since I had Accounting I (Which I aced with flying colors). Considering the class was on a trimester schedule, there was no chance of an Accounting I review. I decided to drop the class. Still jobless, I decided to give myself a deadline. If I did not have a job by a certain date, I would just go back to school full time to pursue another Bachelor's Degree. 

I spent a lot of time in Prayer. 

The day of my deadline, God sent me an answer. 

I needed a break from school. 

That day, I was blessed with a job at a Christian Bookstore. That in itself was amazing! However, that evening, I signed my Mary Kay Contract to become a Mary Kay Beauty Consultant. I was excited! That was a blessing for extra income on top of the Christian Bookstore. Not long after signing my contract, my MK Sales Director called me offering me a job as her Personal Assistant. 

God is good! 

I am currently still working my Mary Kay business, working at the bookstore and as a Personal Assistant. This year has been challenging, but it has definitely been a blessing! Many great things have happened! 

In January 2014, my original statement was: "Right now I am just trying to listen to God's guidance to find my ultimate niche in life."

Well, I am still trying to listen to God's guidance and find my niche; however, I think I was suppose to take a break from school and gain some work experience. If I wouldn't have decided to take a break, I probably would not be married right now. I think this break made me realize that Jeremy's career is my/our priority right now, but that is another story. :)